Information Commissioner annuls TCD refusal to disclose records relating to suffering and deaths in animal testing On 31st May 2023, the Office of the Information...
IAVS urges Irish MEPs to act at European Parliament hearing
IAVS urges Irish MEPs to act as million-plus strong European petition against animal testing gains hearing at European Parliament In an unprecedented milestone, the EU...
Tell the European Parliament you oppose animal testing
Urgent! Now is the time to tell the European Parliament that you are against animal testing Please write to your Members of the European Parliament...
Irish campaigners in EU push to stop Botox tests
New report shows Ireland worst EU culprit per capita for horrific tests PRESS RELEASE - 18th April 2023 165,000-strong petition presented to the European Medicines...
IAVS Policy Consultant on Newstalk Breakfast
Dr Dan Lyons Policy Consultant for The Irish Anti-Vivisection Society spoke to Newstalk Breakfast about severe poisoning tests for Botox.
World Day For Animals In Laboratories Demo
The IAVS, SAFRIreland and NARA are holding a demonstration outside the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) building at Earlsfort Terrace this coming World Day for...
Stop Animal Botox Testing Petition
The Irish Anti-Vivisection Society calls on the Irish Government to enact legislation immediately to ban the LD50 Botulinum Toxin Potency Test for cosmetic procedures. Botox is the...
ECI Press Release – Over 1.2 Million Signatures
Breaking: End Animal Testing European Citizens’ Initiative Validated With Over 1.2 Million Signatures Brussels – Signed, sealed, and delivered! The End Animal Testing European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI)...
A major success in USA Drug Development
A major success in the USA: animal testing no longer required in drug development New law allows non-animal testing For the first time in more...