The European Chemicals Agency ECHA demanded from the German company Symrise to perform additional animal experiments for the registration of two sunscreen ingredients. On November 22, 2023, the Court announced that Symrise had lost the case - the company is now forced to carry out the animal tests.
IAVS calls for Government inquiry into RCSI
The IAVS has today called on the Irish Government to establish an inquiry into whether the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) should be banned from receiving EU research grants following the College’s animal cruelty breaches.
RCSI evade EU animal welfare rules with US experiments
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland evaded EU animal welfare rules with lethal experiments on chinchillas at American University A Freedom of Information investigation by the...
European Commission ignores Irish citizens’ wishes
European Commission makes vague noises about tackling animal experiments while ignoring Irish and EU citizens’ opposition to cosmetics animal testing The Irish Anti-Vivisection Society (IAVS)...
Thousands of horseshoe crabs suffer for LAL tests
We all want safe medicines, vaccines and medical devices. To do this, they must be free of so-called pyrogens, which can cause fever or blood poisoning. To ensure this, animal-free pyrogen tests have been available for decades. Nevertheless, more than 550,000 horseshoe crabs are still pulled out of the sea every year to obtain test substances and transported to factories where up to a third of their blood is drawn from them without anesthesia. According to estimates, about 150,000 animals do not survive this procedure.