106,000 Live Animals used in Scientific Research in 2023

106,000 Live Animals used in Scientific Research in 2023

Dogs and cats were among more than 106,000 live animals used for scientific research and testing last year, representing an increase of around 15 per cent compared to 2022. There was also a significant rise in the number of experiments involving “severe” suffering for the test animals. These rose by almost 50 per cent to 19,816 during 2023.

This increase has been attributed to the expansion of testing for Botox-type products, most of which relate to cosmetics. Around 68,500 animals were used in these tests last year, which are fatal in the vast majority of cases. Mice were the most commonly used animal in scientific research and testing in Ireland last year, accounting for 81 per cent of the 106,639 animals subjected to procedures.

A total of 14,105 of the animals were used for “basic research”, according to the HPRA, while 17,527 were used for translational and applied research. Regulatory use and routine production accounted for 75,109 of the animal uses, which included the testing of Botox-type products.

The Irish Anti-Vivisection Society, which campaigns against the use of animals in scientific research, described the increase in animal suffering outlined in the latest report as “appalling”.

 2023 Statistics for Animal Experiments in Ireland 

 2023 Statistics for Animal Experiments in Ireland 

The Irish Anti-Vivisection Society (IAVS) is deeply appalled at the latest annual increase in animal suffering in Irish labs. Statistics for the year 2023 reveal 107,873 animal experiments, an increase of 14,934 or 16% compared with 2022. 

The figures for the pain and suffering caused by these experiments make for even more worrying reading. There has been a disturbing rise in the number of animals forced to endure ‘severe’ suffering, going up from 13,212 to 19,816, an increase of 6,604 or almost 50%.

General Elections November 29th

General Elections November 29th


Ahead of the general election on November 29th, your local candidates will be out and about in your area trying to get your vote. Please consider taking the opportunity to ask them about their position on animal welfare.

Trinity to join European Animal Research Association

Trinity to join European Animal Research Association

The European Animal Research Association (EARA) has announced its expansion into Ireland with seven Irish research institutions including Trinity, joining the organisation last month.

The expansion into Ireland brings the EARA’s membership to 189 institutions.

Joining alongside Trinity are the Irish Laboratory Animal Science Association (ILASA), University College Cork (UCC), Dublin City University (DCU), University of Galway (NUIG), the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and Maynooth University.

According to the EARA the new members include “all major Irish research institutions” that conduct biomedical research on animals.

Ban Botox Testing Bill introduced in the Dáil

Ban Botox Testing Bill introduced in the Dáil

A “massive” loophole in the law banning animal testing for cosmetic purposes allows testing of mice for the production of Botox, it has been claimed in the Dáil.

People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy said there is a ban on animal testing for cosmetic purposes across the EU but because of the loophole Botox can be tested on animals “even when it is produced for cosmetic rather than medical purposes”.

Mr Murphy made the claim as he introduced his Animal Health and Welfare (Prohibition of Animal Testing for Botox) (Amendment) Bill in the Dáil, as a “warning shot” to corporations to introduce humane alternatives to animal testing.

Rabbit Pyrogen Test to be deleted from Pharmacopoeia

Rabbit Pyrogen Test to be deleted from Pharmacopoeia

Pyrogen detection is essential for ensuring the safety of parenteral medicines. For decades, the rabbit pyrogen test (RPT) has been the traditional method.
The RPT involves measuring the rise in body temperature in rabbits following intravenous injection of the substance to be examined.

Despite multiple efforts to encourage medicine developers to move away from the RPT, the test is still widely used to detect pyrogenic substances, consuming a large number of rabbits worldwide.

Demonstration against Live Export

Demonstration against Live Export

Ethical Farming Ireland are holding a live export protest outside Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin on July 9th from 12:00 - all individuals and groups welcome.

Whilst the UK has just banned live export, Ireland continues to send thousands of unweaned calves on long journeys to cruel veal farms and thousands of young bulls are sent on gruelling sea journeys to countries with no animal welfare regulations in place and appalling standards.

Demonstration against slaughterhouse violence

Demonstration against slaughterhouse violence

Sentient Rights Ireland request support for a demo top of Grafton St, Dublin in June 29th from 12 Noon to 2.00pm - all individuals and groups welcome.

Express your horror at Shannonside slaughterhouse and the other 85 slaughterhouse's in Ireland, the 44 knackeries and several other places where horses and farmed animals are whacked and disappear, then enter the food chain for humans or domestic animals without any proper traceability.

IAVS Chairperson on Near FM for WDAIL

Catherine Morrow Chairperson for The Irish Anti-Vivisection Society spoke to Near FM in Dublin City Centre about the high numbers of mice being used in Ireland to test for Botox. The IAVS together with SAFRIreland, NARA, Sentient Rights Ireland and The Party for Animal Welfare were handing out leaflets to the public to commemorate World Day for Animals in Laboratories.

Strong scientific support for animal consciousness

Strong scientific support for animal consciousness

Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient

Far more animals than previously thought likely have consciousness, top scientists say in a new declaration — including fish, lobsters and octopus.

Bees play by rolling wooden balls — apparently for fun. The cleaner wrasse fish appears to recognize its own visage in an underwater mirror. Octopuses seem to react to anesthetic drugs and will avoid settings where they likely experienced past pain.

All three of these discoveries came in the last five years — indications that the more scientists test animals, the more they find that many species may have inner lives and be sentient. A surprising range of creatures have shown evidence of conscious thought or experience, including insects, fish and some crustaceans.

That has prompted a group of top researchers on animal cognition to publish a new pronouncement that they hope will transform how scientists and society view — and care — for animals.